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Award Criterea

A -  Academic Category

  1. The research should be published or accepted for publication in an international refereed scientific journal with an impact factor according to Thomson Reuters for research published in English, and in the case of research published in Arabic, it must be published in one of the peer-reviewed journals approved by the award.
    If the research is published in other languages, it must be translated into Arabic or English by an accredited center, and the translated text must be attached in its entirety.
  2. The research must be closely related to educational issues in the countries of the Arab world.
  3. The primary researcher must be working in a university, research center, or educational institution in one of the Arab countries, and that this is mentioned in the research as the researcher's affiliation.
  4. The publication of the research should not pass two years at the time of nomination for the award.
  5. The research has not received previous awards nor has been submitted to other awards.
  6. Research received from MSc.  Or PhD thesis are not accepted.

B - School principals, teachers, and professional practitioners: 

  1. The primary researcher must be working in a school, or educational institution in one of the Arab countries.
  2. The research was conducted in a school or educational institution in one of the countries of the Arab world.
  3. The idea of the research must be original, and the research is resolving a critical issue in the general or higher education sector in the countries of the Arab world. 
  4. The research has not received previous awards nor has been submitted to other awards.

C - Postgraduate students: 

  1. The research should be published or accepted for publication in a refereed educational scientific journal.
  2. Research received from a master's or doctoral thesis will be accepted, but Master's and Doctoral thesis are not accepted in their original form.
  3. The research has not received previous awards nor has been submitted to other awards.
  4. The main researcher must be the student not his supervisor.

D - “Excellence Award in Educational Research”: 

  1. The research should be published or accepted for publication in an international refereed scientific journal with an impact factor according to Thomson Reuter’s database of not less than 2.00.
  2. The research should deal with one of the topics related to "Distance Learning"
  3. The research is linked to reality and the educational field
  4. The research should be distinguished, original and innovative.
  5. The research should include new theoretical and practical applications that contribute effectively to developing education and improving learning.
  6. The research is fully conducted in one of the Arab countries.
  7. All the methodological procedures of the research must be approved by the ethical approval committee or a scientific body.
  8. The primary researcher must be working in a university, research center, or educational institution in one of the Arab countries.
  9. The research has not received previous awards nor has been submitted to other awards.
  10. The publication of the research should not pass two years at the time of nomination for the award.
  11. The research must not be taken from an MSc. or PhD thesis. 
  12. The research shows the mechanism to benefit from it.
  13. The submitted work should not be prepared upon an assignment from an educational institution, university, or educational center.
  14. The research should be distinguished by linguistic integrity and free from errors.
  15. Commitment to scientific research standards and mechanisms.