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Knowledge Competitions Oasis

 The event includes many programs, contests and immediate challenges that enrich students, teachers and parents with the skills they need in their practical and future lives, as well as the final competitions for educational programs implemented by the institution during the academic year (programs face your destination in its international version (ID and OM) and also Sheikh Award Faisal for the Arabic language and the program of cultivating your country and Qudorat program, and offering some training courses during the event days.

There is also an accompanying interactive exhibition that includes several presentations in the fields of science, engineering, technology, arts and math applications, which in turn will provide scientific activities and instant competitions to visitors, students, teachers and parents, in order to acquire some scientific skills and keep abreast of all new and innovative in the field of scientific applications and how students can use them to collect their lessons and excel in different areas of life.

Event Objectives:

  • Motivating students to innovate and innovate in engineering and applied scientific fields through the programs offered by the Foundation during the academic year.
  • Providing students, teachers and parents with some scientific and skill skills through immediate scientific, technological, engineering and agricultural competitions during the event.
  • Raising the level of knowledge, research and invention through technical, engineering and technological competitions of students.